- TCD Vote Predictions – Final | Daniel Sullivan – he's a little political on University of Dublin – By-election
- TCD Vote Predictions – Final | Daniel Sullivan – he's a little political on TCD Seanad Race – Vote % Projections
- The Crack Site on Some thoughts in the upcoming Ard Fheis
- Is the Irish voting system flawed? - Page 11 on Alternatives to lists and quotas to reduce clientelism and offer the electorate more diverse voting options
- dsullivan on Towards a Just Society – the actual document
Tag Archives: thierry henry
Is there a Gilette Fusion curse?
First Thierry Henry dirties his nice guy image by handling the ball in the play-off match against Ireland, then Tiger Woods as his little troubles with his car. Has anyone seen Roger Federer recently? I hope he’s being careful.
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Tagged gilette fusion, roger federer, thierry henry, tiger woods
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AIB’s new man – it’s a bit French isn’t it?
From now on, we should incorporate a new phrase into our discourse, “that’s a bit French” meaning something so blatantly dodgy that you can’t believe that they’ve gotten away with it. Thierry Henry hand passed the ball across the goal … Continue reading